After we came back from Bali, Mum and Dad went to Melbourne. Good old classic Dad line "Don't burn the house down while we're gone!" Oops! It was actually an electrical fire in the kitchen. Some neighbours helped me get it out by the time the fireies arrived, but there was still a fair bit of damage. It has taken the length of the semester to get things fixed up. We have a new kitchen, and every room and every ceiling in the house has been repainted. Not a terribly fun experience, but one that we have gotten through.
On to better news-I am finally done with my studies! Well, I really hope so, I'm still waiting for results. I have finished my Bachelor of Communications and the graduation ceremony will be next February. I had a pretty heavy work load with assignments along with volunteer commitments.
I am back doing my radio show again. The station now has a probationary license and can broadcast to a wider audience. I have also convinced a friend to join me. You can hear us on Mondays 3.30pm-5.30pm on Radio VCA 88.5fm in Perth, where The Valley Comes Alive.
I'm also doing all my beach stuff. Patrols as well as training, assessing and coordinating bronze courses. It is good to be back in the swing of things. I guess the next thing for me now is to find a paying job so I can earn some money to travel some more!