Monday, October 2, 2017


In the last few weeks I have been up and back to Perth twice. The first was for some Surf Life Saving meetings so I flew up and spent the weekend in Perth, and the second time I drove up with some mates who were coming for a wedding. It was good coming two weekends in a row particularly because I needed to see the physio twice. The week before I rolled my ankle playing a very serious game of mini golf and ended up tearing three ligaments! Oops!!
We spent one afternoon in Perth picking strawberries which was a good bit of fun but the hour we were there was more than enough as it is actually pretty tiring! I plan on making some jam and entering it in the Esperance Agricultural Show. It was really nice to spend some time in Perth with my family and I’ll be back again in November.
I’ve been to a couple of events lately. I went to Bingo which was a fundraiser for the local soccer club. This was such a fun night and I plan on going again soon. They have these little things where you open the tabs for an instant win a bit like a scratchy and you go through a range of different games. I also won $15 so I was pretty happy with that!
I went to the Bijou Theatre to see the local production of ‘Are you Being Served?’ The theatre itself is one of the oldest buildings in town, built in 1896, and has been the home of a variety of things including a cinema and a place to skate and now to the Esperance Theatre Guild. The show was great with a few good laughs and it was nice to see the familiar faces on stage.
Justice Crew came to town and this was a really loud and exciting show. I volunteered in the bar that night and still got to watch the show. It was one of the biggest audiences I’ve seen at the Civic Centre and everyone looked really pumped.
A Shirtless Justice Crew
I have explored Shelly Beach, although I don’t think that’s the official name. It is a long drive along the beach and through the dunes and it’s worth the journey. It is the only place I know of around Esperance where you can find shells so we spent a bit of time finding little treasures. It was a pretty cold, wet day when we went and I look forward to going back there and spending some more time when the weather is a bit warmer.
We went to Lucky Bay again and this time there were heaps of kangaroos! They’re really friendly and don’t care that humans are there at all! There was a little joey in his mum’s pouch too! Much warmer in there! It was very windy and I ended up with a wind-burned face. I went for a long walk along the beach and up the rock overlooking the bay. It was a spectacular view!
Here Skip!
I went for a huge bike ride from Woody Lake to Lake Warden. It was a good trek and we saw lots of birds, a few bob tails and a little dugite. It was a about a 5km ride and a lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I’m glad I’ve got myself a bike down here because there are plenty more spots for me to ride.
The Creepy Trees of Lake Warden