Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Adventures

So last Thursday we drove down to Moore River in pretty non-existent traffic for the long weekend.  I had a pie for about the first time in a year for lunch and then dad and I went for a quick paddle up the river.

On Good Friday the swell was massive and the waves were crashing over the sand bank into the river. The wind was pretty strong but we still managed to go for a short paddle around the river mouth. That night the sunset looked magnificent as the sun kissed the unrelenting chop of the ocean.

The next day we went up to Lancelin where the wind was howling and the surf was messy. At the beach, a stones throw away, a baby dolphin played in the waves, while its mum and dad hunted fish amongst the seaweed. Back at Moore River the conditions weren't much better, but I couldn't resist getting thrown around by the surf a bit before going for another paddle in the river.

On Easter Sunday the Easter bunny came and brought along the nicest weather of the weekend. We went for a bit of a body surf, and then dad and I went for a long paddle. We went a fair way up and found an estuary which we followed all the way to the end, weaving and ducking under low-lying tree branches. The water was so clear we could see all the fish below us, to the envy of many fishermen who couldn't reach were we made it to. 

The drive home this morning was uneventful, although the roads were much busier than on the way up.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Aussies come to an end again.

The 2013-2014 Surf Life Saving season has come to a close with the Australian Surf Life Life Saving Championships finishing on Sunday. I went down to Scarborough again on Sunday morning to check out some of the events.

The weather was much clearer than earlier in the week and the surf was still pretty calm. Although the swell did start to pick up as  the sea breeze came in.

There were plenty of freebies being handed out so nobody went home empty handed. There were also food vans, so no-one was hungry and you could have the perfect spot to watch the beach arena and water arena one in the amphitheatre, while having a feed.

Northcliffe won on 481 points,  followed by Manly on 181, and Moolooaba on 164 points. The top three Wa teams were City of Perth in 7th position on 101 points, Trigg Island in 14th place with 61 points and North Cottesloe in 15th place with 60 points.

WA did much better in the Masters competition  with City of Perth coming 4th on 170 points and Trigg Island 5th on 160. Northcliffe also won the Masters on 180 points.

It was really good to get down there and watch one of the most Australian sports, and I hope Perth will get the chance to host the Aussies again soon.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Australian Surf Life Saving Championships

This morning I went down to Scarborough beach to check out day three of the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships.

 Monday and yesterday were dedicated to Masters competition, for competitors over thirty years of age, and today was the first day of senior competition.

I decided the safest option for me was to walk to Scarborough from Trigg, that way I wouldn't have to wrestle anyone for a parking spot. 

An easterly was blowing gently early on, and there wasn't a cloud in sight-unlike yesterday which was overcast. There also wasn't much of a wave but that did start to pick up. When the sea breeze came in with force the ocean became quite choppy.

The competition had a really good set up. Each arena had its own radio frequency and first aid tent. Around the amphitheatre were food vans, merchandise stalls and people handing out freebies. From the shade of the amphitheatre you could see most of the water events and you were prime position to see the flags and beach events and the open water arena.

Trigg Island are the leading WA team by day three, falling in seventh position overall with 26 points. They finished in 5th position in the masters event.  

City of Perth on 12 points and Mullaloo on 9 points follow Trigg for WA clubs.

Northcliffe have a strong lead overall on day three on 103 points. They are followed by Newport on 44 points and Manly on 43.

City of Perth won silver for U17 First Aid competition. Trigg Island won gold and silver for U17 Surfboard Riding, silver for U19 board relay and a Bronze for Champion Lifesaver. Cottesloe won bronze for Open Malibu Long Board Riding and and Sorrento won bronze for U15 Surfboard Riding.

Hopefully the rest of the competition will continue without any dramas.