Today I learnt that all the cons I have been to in Perth are tiny. Dragon Con is huge. It spans across several hotels and there are people absolutely everywhere.
We got there early to buy tickets to get in, you could only buy tickets online a year in advance. The line for registration, or to get your entry tickets, wrapped around the building and down the street. Luckily we all decided to pay cash and the line moved quite quickly. I got a badge to get in, instead of a crappy wristband.
I had pre-purchased a photo with Robbie and Stephen Amell, so we raced over to another hotel to get there on time. We went up and down different floors until we finally found where to go in the giant maze.
They were both really nice and even a little bit shy, especially compared to Nathan Fillion and John Barrowman! I thought it was funny we all had hats on. The line to have that photo moved really fast and it was over too soon.
There was a room called the Walk of Fame, full of booths where you could meet celebrities, have a chat to them, get autographs and sometimes photos.
They had a huge parade which went on for a few hours, we didn't stay and watch, but got a few glimpses of it as we walked between hotels.
We then wrestled our way through people to get food and pretty much picked the place with the shortest line. We walked over to another hotel to look at the vendors. This was two huge warehouse sized levels of people selling toys and games. We were packed in there like sardines. When we left the line to get in there was even longer then what it was to get in. I did enjoy looking at everything.
There were cosplayers everywhere and we got a chance to sit against a wall in one of the hotels and just watch people go past. I got a bucket, which is just a cocktail in a small bucket. I don't even know what it was, but it was pink and yummy.
We also walked through where all the artists were, which was a huge area too. About the size of the whole show floor in Perth. Some of the art was really incredible. I bought a Firefly and an Agent Carter print.
By this point our feet had had enough and we called it a day. While there were so many people, we were very lucky with lines and didn't have to wait long.
It was a great day and a totally new experience! I'm sure there are a few people back home who are at least a little bit jealous!
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