On Friday I went for a bike ride to Downtown Lawrenceville. I got some comics, and then we went and got a really yummy coffee. I was long overdue for a nice coffee, and it was really good.
We also went trick or treating at school. It was a cleaver idea because different organisations gave you information, while you got candy.

On Saturday we went to a comic book shop that was participating in Free Comic Book Day. It wasn't as busy as the Free Comic Book Day back home, but we did go later in the day. I picked up a couple of free comics and then bought some for my own collection. We also stopped by a cupcake shop. It was very difficult to pick out what one to have, I ended up going with a salted caramel and a choc chip cookie dough.
For Halloween night we went to a house party. We just spent time hanging out, playing cards and watching movies. It was really great to just spend time together. We also answered the door to 'trick or treater's'. There were some very cute little kids in costume. My favourite was a little kid dressed as a dolphin
A dolphin!?? It better have had a bite mark out of it since it is Halloween!