I also helped register, set up and time a charity run for one of the Rotary clubs. Although it was very cold, we did have fun. I actually wanted to run, but I don't think my legs would have worked in that cold! The run looked very nice though, it was mostly through bush land and when you finished you got hot chocolate.
We watched GGC play baseball. They have a very good side, and I found the game exciting. I did have to explain the game a bit, but it was relaxing to sit together and watch.
A group of us went to a Hibachi restaurant which was something I had never done before. There was so much food and it was exciting to watch how it was prepared. It was nice to all spend some time together.
Last weekend I went on the Ski Trip with the Outdoor Adventures club at GGC to Sugar Mountain. We left really early on Saturday and arrived at the mountain around lunch time.
It was very busy and confusing to get everything sorted and to get equipment. I decided to have a go at snowboarding. I got a lesson, where the majority of the group, myself included, were not very successful. I kept at it and I was slowly improving, however I was not able to stop without falling.
By that evening I was thoroughly exhausted and glad to go back to the hotel and lie down. The next morning we had breakfast and were back at the mountain by about 9am.
I few of the snowboarders decided to give skiing a go, so I joined them. This time with no lesson, we had to teach ourselves. I managed to pick it up much more easily. I only fell trying to get off the lift! I went down the easy slope a few times before the weather turned bad.
It started to rain and it made it all very slushy so I decided that was enough for me. As the snow was mostly man made it was also quite icy and patchy in some places.
We all shuffled back on the bus tired and sore and got back to school at 10.30 that night. I was quite happy on the ride back as someone put Harry Potter on so we could all watch that.
Even though it was only two days, it felt like a whole week. I had fun, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to experience that.
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