We had a lunch on Saturday where there was this very amazing guest speaker who talked about teaching deaf children to read, I found it very interesting. That afternoon we were supposed to go on a dolphin sightseeing tour but it was cancelled because the wind was too strong. Instead we spent more time wondering around Savannah, shopping and frozen yoghurt eating. That evening we had the Governors Ball, which was a fancy dinner and a band performed at the end. We all had fun.
We spent time writing in each others year books and then we were all sad to say goodbye to each other, possibly for the last time as not everyone was going to the next district conference.
On Friday morning I got up earlish and went for a long walk along the beach, then I helped with registration. We went for a swim at the beach and in the pool before we had a rehearsal for that evening's events. We had a buffet dinner overlooking the ocean and then later we walked onto the stage with our countries' flag and sang a song for the Rotarians.
On Saturday morning we assisted with a presentation and then we had quite a bit of free time. I went for a picnic lunch at a park with one Rotary Club and then later played mini golf with a group of students. We also filled the time by swimming at the beach or in the pool.
We had a great time, but it was rough saying goodbye the next morning. We have had such a fantastic year and you don't quite realise how close you are to people until you sense that you aren't going to see them for a while. Even though we have all this social media, my new best buddies are on the other side of the world and I know they aren't going to give me a hug in a few weeks when we would normally have a catch up. It is also harder to tease them and have a laugh if you aren't right there. I don't know how much I have changed, but I know that this group of people has become a part of me and I just want to take them all with me. I am going to miss them all dearly, and I want to thank them for all being a part of my life and for just being cool. I'm not the type of person who makes big speeches or sends great messages describing how grateful or appreciative they are, of course I am, but I hope it becomes evident in the things I do.
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