The airport was pretty empty in LA and by the time I got a bus from the domestic to the international terminal I had to board straight away.
As per usual the lines for everything were long-at customs, immigration and to get the bus to the domestic terminal in Brisbane. By the time I was through in Brisbane I had to race over to get my flight for Perth, just making it in time.
I even arrived a little early in Perth, around lunch time, and spotted my family waiting for me as I came down the escalators, which was good because I needed them to carry all my bags!
I spent that afternoon and the whole next day unpacking. Then on Saturday afternoon I went to the movies with my sister. When we came back she ordered me to put some stuff in her room. When I went out to do it I was surprised to find the back of our house filled with all my family and friends.
I had no idea, she got me good! Much to Mum's dismay we are yet to find any photos. While I really enjoyed my time away and would do it again, it is good to be back. Now I need to find a job!
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